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What do you do when crisis strikes?

We have all seen that life can take sudden and frightening turns.
What do you do when crisis strikes?

For your gift today, we will send you Sarah's What to do in a Crisis booklet and Marilyn's CD-teaching What to do in a Crisis. These two encouraging resources will edify your soul with what the Bible says about staying strong when everything else is going wrong.

We will also send you Marilyn's message Victory in the Storm and our Trusting God Scripture card. This powerful message and the Word will help you overcome life's struggles and keep your faith intact.

For your gift of $69 dollars or more, we will also send you Marilyn's autobiography, It's Not Over Until You Win. You will be inspired as you read the amazing examples of God's faithfulness in her life despite countless threats and obstacles. This book will encourage you to hang on to your God-given visions in every season of life.

What To Do In A Crisis - Pack 2

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