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You don’t have to suffer anymore.

Break the spirit of trauma and get your life back!

For your best gift today, we will send you Supernatural Freedom from the Captivity of Trauma by Dr. Mike Hutchings. In this life-transforming book, you will be equipped to:
• Identify the root, effects, and symptoms of trauma-related issues
• Overcome debilitating anxiety, fear, and nightmares
• Release healing prayers that bring emotional, spiritual, and physical freedom
• And experience healing and relief from the torment of PTSD

We will also send you Sarah and Isabell’s first co-authored book The Road to Wholeness, Sarah's Hope for the Future DVD, and our Mental Health Scripture Card. 

For your gift of $65 dollars or more we will also send you our Healing Anointing Oil.  Lay your heartache and trauma at the foot of the cross anointed with this precious oil.  

You don’t have to suffer anymore. Jesus the healer longs to set you free from trauma today!

Supernatural Healing from Captivity Trauma - Pack 2

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