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Learn practical wisdom keys for healing.

Are you or someone you love suffering with a chronic illness or terminal disease? Hope and encouragement await you within the pages of Your Healing Door. For your gift of $30 dollars or more, we will send you the book Your Healing Door by Greg Mohr. Greg understands the headache and suffering of sickness and through this book he shares the 12 keys he discovered that brought him healing from cancer and delivered his son from a severe debilitating condition.

We'll also send you Marilyn's booklet, God's Benefit: Healing. God has provided health and healing for the Body of Christ, but it must be received by faith. Marilyn's unique presentation of God's Word concerning healing will raise your level of faith and your Christian walk.

And to further your walk in faith and healing we'll send you Marilyn and Sarah's teaching CD, Confessions of Health and Healing and our Healing Scripture Card. Start your day confessing God's healing promises with Marilyn and Sarah. Scripture by Scripture, speak God's Word of healing and health over your life.

Your Healing Door Pack

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